months seen in my garden: July
garden plants that attract this species: Hyssop, Helichrysum, Marigolds, Candytuft, Sweet William, Virginian Stock, Buddleia (list shared with Essex Skipper)
Small Skipper sat
on Agrimony?, 31 July 2005
Small Skipper sat
on Knapweed, 31 July 2005 (I think it's a small...)
On Tufted Vetch. Uley, Gloucestershire. July
On Bird's Foot Trefoil. Golden Valley, Gloucestershire. July
On Bird's Foot Trefoil. Golden Valley, Gloucestershire. July
Size: 30mm (smaller than the Small White - see list of butterflies by size)
First Generation flight period: July-August
The difference between the Small Skipper and the Essex Skipper butterfly is determined by the color of the underside of the tip of the antennae.
Small Skipper: undersides of clubs of antennae are reddish-orange.
Essex Skipper: undersides of clubs of antennae are black.
Habitat: Grassland
Larval Food Plants: Grasses
Wild Nectar Plants: Clover, Knapweed
Family Group: Hesperiidae - see list of butterflies by family