Common Blue, Gatekeeper, Painted Lady, Red Admiral, Small Tortoiseshell, Small White.
Small Tortoiseshell. August
Common Blue. August 22.
Gatekeeper. August 8.
Small Tortoiseshell. September
Common Blue. 20 August 2000.
Small White. 2001. (No full size image available).
I have bought 'Hot Bikini' seed. These are shorter, sturdier plants with bright red-orange flowers. I grew them from seed sown on March 15 2000 and planted them outside in the middle of May. There were four plants still flowering in December, which I photographed surrounded by snow.
I've also photographed a tiny moth called Pyrausta aurata on Helichrysum. It's a day-flying moth which I've seen in both the Cirencester and Wiltshire gardens.
Plant Type: half-hardy annual
Flowers from June/July until winter rains destroy
Height: 30cm-1.2m (1-4ft)
Spread: 15-30cm (6-12ins)
Tall varieties need support.
Cut some buds and dry in airing cupboard for use in winter dried flower arrangements.