Comma, Small Tortoiseshell, Small White, Speckled Wood
Small Tortoiseshell. August
Speckled Wood. September
Small White. August 21.
Small Tortoiseshell. August
Comma. September 24.
I bought a Buddleia weyerana 'Sungold' in the spring of 2000. It is a cross between the davidii and globosa forms. It has orange flowers like globosa, but with the shape of davidii flowers. I had one of these plants in my Wiltshire garden. It flowered from August 1 until December 15 1999.
I have 3 of these shrubs in my Cirencester garden and they do not look happy. I think that they don't like the poor conditions and probably need more care. The plant in the Wiltshire garden grew much bigger than any of these and attracted more butterflies.
Plant Type: shrub
The label says "Long slender panicles of ball shaped heads, orange-yellow in colour. Full sun. Prune hard in March"
Flowers in August and continues until bad weather in December.
Height: 6-10ft (2-3m)