The Comma butterfly can be identified by the shape of the wings. The top of the wings is orange-brown. The underside is brown and there is a distinctive white mark on the hindwing, which gives this butterfly it's name.
months seen in my garden: March to September
garden plants that attract this species:
Buddleia, Hebe,
Hemp Agrimony, Lavender,
Michaelmas Daisy, Muscari,
Pot Marigold, Raspberries,
Sedum, Verbena
First Comma seen on
18 March
Comma on Buddleia Lochinch,
21 July
Comma, 23 and 28 July
Comma, daily 1-4 August plus 20 August
On Hemp Agrimony at Coaley Peak, 3 September
On Water Mint at Matara garden, 4 September
Comma, 17 and 20 September
The Comma butterfly hibernates over the Winter and emerges to look for a mate in the Spring:
Comma on Muscari, 31 March
Comma resting on Pittosporum,
14 April
Comma resting on Pittosporum,
14 April (side view)
The new Comma butterflies are on the wing in the Summer:
Comma on Bramble, 1 July
Comma on Bramble, 1 July
I was admitted to hospital on 15 July for 4 months of chemotherapy and consequently, there are no more Comma images from 2004.
82 digital images of Comma butterflies were saved from 2003. Here's a selection of 10.
Gets it's name from the white mark on the underside. Feeding on Buddleia
'White Profusion'. August 4.
There's variation in size, shape and colour of Comma wings:
Resting on my garden gate. August
Resting on dogwood. August 22.
On Buddleia lindleyana. August
Feeding on Buddleia 'White Profusion'. August
The ragged edge of the wings is one of the identifying features. Side view.
Resting on hedgerow bush. September
Would you have seen it? This Comma was feeding on a fallen over-ripe plum
on the ground along the path to town. September
2. Saw 8 Commas feeding on the blackberries beside that path a year
Feeding on Sedum spectabile. August
Resting on dogwood. August 22.
Close-up. August 22.
1 September 2002 on Buddleia weyerana
27 March 2002 on Muscari
28 September 2001 on Verbena
15 July 2001 on Lavender
1 July 2000 on Hebe
28 September 1999 on Michaelmas
22 September 1999 on Michaelmas
14 September 1999 on Hebe
Comma butterflies are best seen feeding on Autumn-fruiting raspberries or blackberries. They can often be seen in numbers in September; the local footpath leading to the town is edged with brambles and I've counted 8 Comma butterflies along that path at once feeding on the ripe fruit.
Comma butterflies can vary considerably in physical size.
Size: 55mm (similar size to Small White - see list of butterflies by size)
First Generation flight period: June-July
Second Generation flight period: August - April of the following year (over-winters
as butterfly)
Larval Food Plants: Hop, Nettle, Current
Wild Nectar Plants: Blackberries & other fruit, Hemp agrimony, Water
Family Group: Nymphalidae - see list of butterflies by family