

This plant attracts the following butterflies:

Brown Argus, Comma, Large White, Meadow Brown, Small Tortoiseshell, Small White, Essex Skipper

Memorable images of 2003:

thumbnail link Large White. August 24.

thumbnail link Small Tortoiseshell. July 12.

Past Images:

Comma on Lavender Comma. 16 July 2001.

Meadow Brown on Lavender Meadow Brown. 11 July 1999.


Lavender attracts butterflies here but isn't as successful as other plants such as Hyssop. I have a number of varieties of Lavender, dotted about the garden. Suspect that it may be more successful if I grouped a number together. Bought 10 plants at a DIY superstore in February 2004 (amazingly good value at under £7 because of reductions & special multi-buy offers) and intend planting them as a group.

Reference Section

Plant Type: perennial shrub

Flowers in July & August

Height: 45cm-1m
Spread: 45-90cm

Tidy after flowering. Prune in Spring - do not cut back into the old wood.

Originates from the Mediterranean. Some varieties are rather tender for the British winter. This plant does not appreciate wet/waterlogged soil - add plenty of grit when planting and do not over-water.

This page last updated April 18, 2004