Comma butterfly on Buddleia
lindleyana. August 27.
Silver-Y moth. August
Bee. August 20. Note
the long flower.
I planted this Buddleia at the same time that I planted B. Lochinch and B. 'Black Knight' as it's neighbours; they have received plenty of butterfly visitors but this plant has been ignored by the butterflies.
I thought that the very long flowers may be too long to extract the nectar. I'm unsure whether a Comma attempted to feed on it in 2003. Certainly a day-flying Silver-Y moth did.
Plant Type: shrub
The label says " Deciduous medium sized shrub with purple violet flowers on long spikes in June-July. Plant in any soil and prefers full sun."
Flowers in August
Height: 2m
Originates from China. May be a little tender.