These butterflies belong in the Lycaenidae (Blues) family. Most have a wingspan about 30cm.
Common Blue (Polyommatus
icarus). The upperside of the wings of the male are blue; the female's
are blue or brown. Markings on the underside of the wings are very like
those of the Brown Argus.
Chalkhill Blue (Polyommatus
coridon). Upperside of female's wings are usually brown; the male's
are blue. Found on chalk downland. Rare garden visitor.
Holly Blue (Celastrina
argiolus). No orange markings on the underside of the wings.
Brown Argus (Aricia
agestis). Identified by the markings on the underside of the wings,
which are similar to the Common Blue (see Common
Blue page for details). The upperside of the wings are mainly brown.
Small Copper (Lycaena
phlaeas). Bright copper-orange colour.
White Letter Hairstreak (Satyrium
w-album). The streaked marking on the underside of the wings distinguishes
the Hairstreaks. The 'tail' markings differentiate this species from other
Hairstreaks. Rare garden visitor.